CarNow Chat Goals

5 to 10 Second Pick Up Time: This is the longest time it should take to pick up a chat after the customer initiates. After 2 minutes a chat is marked MISSED. After 30 seconds of no response, the customer begins to disengage.

5 to 10 Second Response Time: After accepting the chat the customer should be responded to in 5 seconds. Throughout the chat, after the customer responds to you we should have the goal of responding back within 30 seconds.

70% Lead Conversion: Our goal is to generate as many leads as possible. We want to collect and lead information for 60% of all chats accepted.

10% Appointment Conversion: Dealers want customers to visit their dealerships. We want to invite as many customers as possible to visit the dealership. Our goal is to set up appointments for at least 8% of all chats accepted. * Collect lead information before asking for an appointment. Customers are more likely to provide information when asked before scheduling appointments.

8-9 Chats At A Time: Our main goal as a chat agent is to take 8-9 chats at a time. However, starting out if you get to a number of chats below 9 please let the supervisor on duty know so we can schedule additional coverage. Should you need another agent to come on at the same time this is known as your backup.

10 minute Engagement Time: Our main goal for engagement time for chat is on average 10 minutes. Engagement time for chat means the time that it takes from the start of your chat till you end the chat with the customer.